The Science Behind the Pin

Positive Thinking: Reduce Stress, Enjoy Life More!

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Overcome negative self-talk by recognizing it and practicing with some examples provided...
more from the Mayo Clinic

Power of Positive Thinking May Have a Health Benefit, Study Says.

Most people accept the idea that stress and depression chip away at the body's natural ability to fight off disease. But many medical scientists have remained skeptical that the mind can exert such a direct influence over the immune system. In recent years, however, evidence has accumulated that psychology can indeed affect biology. Studies have found, for example, that people who suffer from depression are at higher risk for heart disease and other illnesses...
Read more from the New York Times

Positive Psychology: Power of Positive Thinking Is Psychology's Latest Focus.

Last weekend, Philadelphia got an injection of positivity when the leading authorities in the field of positive psychology descended on the City of Brotherly Love for the First World Congress on Positive Psychology. Roughly 1,500 practitioners, researchers, and other professionals from around the globe convened to present their latest findings and to describe efforts to disseminate the principles of the discipline...
Read more from US News & World Report